Thursday, May 23, 2024

Hughes News #103


"Tie your shoes and pray for the Hughes"
Dear Friends, 
On April 4, we got word that a faithful member of the church in Bulboci, Ilie (Elijah), passed away.  After being saved as an adult, he had a strong desire to know God’s Word.  His attentiveness to the Bible was displayed in the many discussions in which he quoted a verse or referred to one by chapter and verse, even when he was in his early 80’s.  His family respected his wishes and allowed David and I to lead the funeral and exclude the Orthodox traditions that are contrary to Biblical teaching.  While we rejoice over his testimony, his death means one fewer witness in his village of Zgurita. 
Last month we attended a retreat organized by our missions' agency for its European missionaries.  We were challenged and uplifted by the preaching and encouraged by the other sessions.  We also greatly enjoyed spending time with the others who came to the retreat.  It was a blessing to set aside work for a few days and be ministered to. 

On the last Sunday of April we watched as Daniel and Ana Gross were baptized.  They had each expressed some interest in the past, but that was rekindled when we were planning for Victor’s baptism in March.  The timing worked out that their grandparents were visiting and Stephanie’s dad preached one of the messages.  This special day allowed us an opportunity to again emphasize Gospel truths to those who have not yet been saved but regularly attend services. 
We usually celebrate the resurrection a week or two after you do in the States.  This year there was a bigger difference – ours was five weeks later, on May 5.  We had special things in each service and a meal with each group (breakfast in Soroca, early supper in Bulboci).  The following Friday we had an Easter outreach program in Bulboci.  While attendance was lower than previous events, we were glad to have two adults join us and participate and to be given permission to use the library.  I wouldn’t say that everything is resolved in that situation, but I am hopeful we will be able to use that location for VBS this summer. 
Easter Meal in Bulboci
Easter outreach at the library in Bulboci

A week ago we picked up our renewed residency permits.  Because of waiting on someone else’s scheduling, there were a couple of weeks in which our car’s registration was expired (we have temporary registration that is connected to our residency permits).  Yesterday I was able to finish the registration process, so we are behind the wheel again.  Each time, it is a relief to get those things behind us.  Regarding our desire to obtain citizenship, it felt like we made one step forward … and a couple steps back.  Our US background checks are on their way to us, and we signed a contract with an agency to walk us through the process, but we found out there is more to do than we were originally told.  We want to give time to this to get our part done, but we don’t want to neglect other responsibilities in doing so.  We’d appreciate your prayers as we prioritize work, especially in June as we try to prepare documents for citizenship, plan for VBS and do some construction projects on our house.
In His service,
Jacob & Viola Hughes
For Prayer:
1. Work on house / property in June
2. VBS - planning in June, 3 weeks of activities in July
3. Progress with obtaining Moldovan citizenship
For Praise
1. Encouraging retreat with All Points Baptist Mission
2. Baptism of Daniel and Ana Gross
3. Residency permits renewed for another year

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Hughes News #102

"Tie your shoes and pray for the Hughes"
Dear Friends,
Last month began with a very special event – the baptism of Victor Catlabuga.  This man, in his 70s, began coming regularly to services with those from Visoca at the beginning of 2023.  Through the influence of the believers there, Victor came to profess Christ as his Savior and expressed to us his desire to be baptized.  It was a blessing to me seeing a man, a man in the later years of his life, take this step.  Our entire service was focused on the event and afterwards we shared a meal with everyone present.  Rejoice with us in the Lord’s working in Victor’s life and pray for him as he continues to grow!  An added blessing is that others have expressed interest in baptism.  We are discussing with them and hope to move forward with them soon.
Jacob, Victor and David
In many European countries March 8 is celebrated as Women’s Day.  While not all believers here recognize the day, we have used it to have an outreach for women.  This year we were able to stagger our events so that Viola could attend each.  A lady in the Bulboci church headed up the event there, allowing Viola to participate without having to lead it.  There were 26 ladies total, with several who came for the first time.  We held the program in Soroca on Saturday, March 9.  The theme was “Taste and See that the Lord is Good.”  In addition to the missionaries and the ladies who often come to services, there were several visitors, including two from English classes and one of our neighbors.  We were really pleased with how everything went.
Ladies' Outreach in Soroca

In our last letter we mentioned the Bible study in Visoca.  David and I split teaching duties and finished up that series in the middle of March.  You may remember us mentioning opposition in Bulboci – specifically with us using the library for children’s programs.  David has tried to get a final decision from the mayor, but things are still up in the air.  We are planning a program in the village during kids’ Easter break, but are unsure where it will be held.  We’d appreciate prayers for resolution to the situation and the Lord’s guidance if we need to hold future activities elsewhere.  
In His service,
Jacob and Viola Hughes
For Prayer
1. Upcoming baptism
2. Easter outreach and special services (first week of May)
3. Unresolved situation with library in Bulboci
For Praise:
1. Victor’s baptism
2. Good attendance and participation at ladies’ events 
3. Good finish to winter study in Visoca

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Hughes News #101

"Tie your shoes and pray for the Hughes"
Dear Friends,
You may remember us mentioning that many Moldovans celebrate Christmas on January 7.  Because of that, we hold most of our Christmas outreaches after the first of the year.  On the 3rd we held a program for kids in Bulboci.  While attendance and participation were good, it was on that day we learned of some opposition in the village.  We have used the library there for several events, beginning last Christmas (including this year’s program and an ongoing Kid’s Club), but the opposition has jeopardized our being able to use it moving forward. So far the mayor hasn’t found time to meet to resolve the situation.  We would appreciate your prayers for direction and favor in the eyes of those in authority.  An event for correctional officers and their families was next, on January 5th.  While the program went well, we were hoping for more inroads to people’s lives.  On the 6th, we repeated the children’s program at the Gross’s house.  Several kids came who had attended VBS in the summer, as well as a few new kids.  The kids seemed to really enjoy David dressing up as Joseph and telling the Christmas story from his perspective.


Gross's Home

Around Christmas time we finished the evangelistic Bible study with “L” and “M.”  Neither has yet made a profession of faith, but we are encouraged that both come to most services.  If you would pray that the Lord would make salvation clear to them and that they will be saved.  In our last letter we mentioned “V,” a younger man who was willing to start a Bible study.  Meeting with him is different than any other Bible study I’ve done.  He has a number of questions but is rather childlike in his understanding.  I need God’s wisdom to know how to structure the lessons to be the most benefit to him – when to continue on with the lesson I’ve prepared, when to answer his questions and when to just spend time with him as a friend. 
Several folks from Visoca (about 25 miles away) have been regularly attending Sunday services in Soroca.  You may remember that last year we held a Bible study in their village during the winter months when people have more available time.  We are doing that again this year.  Teaching on Baptist distinctives allows us to show from the Bible why we believe as we do and to communicate to the people how we differ from other groups.  Our prayer is that people will seek God’s Word to form their beliefs and not just man’s word or church traditions. 
One of the men from Visoca, Victor, expressed his desire to be baptized.  We were hoping to have done it by now, but a couple things came up that delayed it.  Baptisms are a big deal in Moldova.  (On one hand, this is good as it is a very special, focused service.  On the other hand, many even in Baptist churches place an overemphasis on baptism and its significance.)  We pray the day will be a blessing to him as he takes this step as well as an encouragement to others to follow the Lord. 
We are not much farther in the process of obtaining citizenship.  It took several months to get state background checks, and now that we finally have them we found out that we need from the FBI instead.   With needing to get those and to renew residency permits in May, it may be summer before we are able to move forward.
Another big event coming up is a ladies’ outreach on Saturday, March 9.  Leading up to that day, would you please pray that those invited would come and that the Lord would use the activity to draw them to Himself?  Viola will be preparing a lesson for the day, and I’m sure she’d appreciate your prayers as well.  Thanks for reading our news and for being patient with me as it has been a few months since I have gotten out a prayer letter.
In His service,
Jacob and Viola Hughes
For Prayer:
1. Baptism on March 3
2. Ladies’ outreach on March 9
3. Opposition in Bulboci
For Praise
1. Christmas outreaches 
2. Bible study in Visoca 
3. Finishing Bible course with “L” and “M”