Chapters 3-4
- In chapter 3 the author talks about our praying to be without pretense. (Pg. 30, Loc. 380) He also uses the phrase "Come messy" (Pg. 30, Loc. 389) and describes it by saying, "Begin with who you are." (Pg. 33, Loc. 432) Often, I want things to be laid out perfectly before I do something. At times, I keep preparing and preparing without actually doing the thing because I want to do it right. I am learning that often I just need to start, let it be sub-par at the beginning, then correct it as I go along. Reading this chapter, I see that I need to do a similar thing with prayer. I could either: a) see where I want to be in prayer but only pray once everything is "in order" or b) just pray, trusting I'll grow and develop as I go along. I guess it is better when I come to Him in prayer, even if I'm messy, than not come because I am messy. I must remember He can clean up my messiness.
- I liked the suggestion to just speak to God about my worries. (Pg. 33, Loc. 424) Instead of seeing my mind wandering as "Not Praying Mode," I am encouraged to speak to the Lord about that topic that draws my attention. That way, I am being more genuine and I'm acknowledging Him in more of my ways. I hope to implement this in my praying time or just in those moments when I have time for my mind to meander.
- When discussing believing like a child, he said, "Disappointment and broken promises are the norm instead of hoping and dreaming." (Pg. 38, Loc. 484) In examining my heart, I'd have to say that my belief is often not like a child. I ask my Father for things, but I hold back (some of/most of?) my heart so that if He chooses not to answer like I want, I will not be as disappointed. That attitude has to affect my asking also. I struggle a bit to know how to hope and dream like he described in areas in which God's will is unknown.
- "Especially when talking with old friends, the conversation bounces from subject to subject. It has a fun, meandering, play-like quality. Why would our prayer time be any different? After all, God is a person." (Pg. 39, Loc. 501) I read this the day after having a such a conversation as he described. It gave me a clear comparison. In thinking of that example I'm able to see the gap between my typical conversation with a person and my typical conversation with my Savior. Remembering that prayer is conversation and comparing it to the recent instance is a help to me.
- Loved this quote: "The point of Christianity isn't to learn a lot of truths so you don't need God anymore." (Pg. 41, Loc. 526)
I've had my say- what say you?