Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Hughes News #97

"Tie your shoes and pray for the Hughes"
Dear Friends, 
In our last prayer letter we mentioned starting an evangelistic Bible study with “L” a woman in Soroca.  After the first lesson with her, she was out of town for several weeks.  Since her return, she has not missed a week of our study.  At the beginning of December she first came to a midweek service and has not missed since then.  Three weeks ago she came for a Sunday service and attended the past two weeks also.  While some things regarding her motivations are still not clear to us, we are grateful for her growing attendance.  As you pray for her, would you also pray for God’s clear direction for us as we share with and minister to her?  
Our ministry at the children’s home has been stopped for now.  Higher-ups in the organization were at the center one day and heard our Bible lesson.  After that the local director got word that the “religious instruction” would have to stop.  She tried to fight the decision, but management would not relent.  On one hand, we miss the kids and wish for the opportunity to teach them the Bible.  On the other hand, the kids’ interest in the lessons and in our program in general had been waning and it had been difficult to get them to cooperate.  
During the holidays we are hoping to build on the momentum from the Bible school we held in Bulboci this summer.  We are planning a one-day Christmas program at the village library with “The Greatest Gift” as our theme.  Along with kids, we are inviting their parents and grandparents.   We are unsure what to expect, as we’ve never done an all-ages event quite like this before, but we are encouraged by the interest shown so far.  
The following day we are organizing a Christmas program at the penitentiary in Soroca for the officers and their families.  A man who ministers there (but lives in another city) wanted us to be involved so that the officers could get to know us since we live in town.  We’d appreciate prayer that it will be an enjoyable event for these families and that the Lord would work through the preaching of His Word.  
In His service, 
Jacob and Viola Hughes 
For Prayer: 
1. Christmas program in Bulboci on January 4th 
2. Christmas program at penitentiary for officers on January 5th 
3. Special studies in Visoca, Evangelistic Bible study starting in Soroca 
For Praise: 
1. Studies continuing with “N” (Bible and English) and “L” (evangelistic) 
2. More work done on our house so that it is keeping us warm  
3. Visit with Viola’s sister and her husband at Thanksgiving