Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hughes News #43

"Tie your shoes and pray for the Hughes"
Dear Friends,
Last month, we mentioned the Lord’s leading us to team up with David and Stephanie Gross. (Here is a link to their website.) We also mentioned our plans to base our ministry in Soroca. We would like to further introduce you to this city. Soroca is located along the Nistru River in northeastern Moldova. It is the capital of its region (about the size of a county in the States) and about 35,000 people call the city home.
An acquaintance told David Gross about the possibility of Soroca for a church plant. Last summer, he and I went there to explore the possibility. In the following weeks, we learned that there is not a single Baptist church in Soroca, nor in the region. Our desire is to see people saved and a church planted in Soroca with outreaches into surrounding villages. We are praying that God will help us to develop a Biblical church-planting model that can be used by Moldovan believers for future ministries. Please pray for the Lord to equip us and to prepare hearts in Soroca. 
Language study continues to be our number one task. I was able to complete my third semester of Romanian last week and start the fourth this week. Russian is coming along- we have our days when everything makes sense and our days when we wonder if we are making any progress. Our prayer is that the Lord will help us to continue to make small steps in the right direction.

In His service,
Jacob and Viola Hughes

For Prayer:
1. Russian and Romanian study
2. The Lord to prepare us and the Grosses
3. Selection of materials and resources for future

For Praise:
1. Semester #3 of Romanian completed!
2. We were able to sing our first duet in Russian
3. Jacob celebrated birthday #29

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