Thursday, August 2, 2012

From a Blind Man's Perspective

I recently was struck by reading the account in Luke 18:35-43 of Jesus healing a blind man. 

What do we learn about this man?
1. He had a serious problem.  vs. 35
- His blindness caused his need to beg for money.
2. He heard that Jesus was nearby.  vs. 36-37
- From the noise of the crowd he discerned that something was different that day.
3. He cried out to Jesus for help.  vs. 38
- He had enough knowledge about Jesus to realize that He could help.  He had enough faith in Jesus to call for help.
4. He was discouraged from calling for help.  vs. 39a
- People from the crowd tried to hush him.
5. He cried out more earnestly for help.  vs. 39b
- The discouragement from others did not stop him.
6. He got the Lord's attention.  vs. 40-41a
- It is not that the Jesus was unaware of him before.  However, until he received a response from Jesus, the blind man did not know if He was aware or not.  Therefore, he kept crying out until Jesus called for him.
7. He made his specific request.  vs. 41b
- He did not ask for temporal relief by a gift of money, but a permanent relief by a gift of sight.
8. He was made to see.  vs. 42-43a
- Jesus said his faith had allowed this to happen.
9. He followed Jesus.  vs. 43b
- He glorified God and others praised God.

How does this passge apply to us?
1. Each one of us has his problems.
2. Our faith affects our actions.
3. Crying out to God about our problems demonstrates our faith in Him.
- Conversely, not crying out to God about our problems reveals our lack of faith.
4. People or circumstances may discourage us.
5. If God is initially silent, we must not think that He does not know or does not care.
6. We can continue to cry out to God until He answers us.
- He will be attentive to us.  He may not, however, always answer exactly as we wish.
7. We can openly make our requests to God.
8. God can solve root problems.
9. When God answers, He is the only to receive glory, not us.

What should we ask ourselves?
1. When facing a problem, to whom do I cry out?
2. If discouragement comes, do my cries continue and crescendo or do they diminish and eventually stop?
3. Do my actions truly reveal faith in God?

What do you see from a look at this blind man?

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