Friday, September 13, 2013

Embracing Obscurity- Introduction

(A few friends and I are reading this book together. Each week we are reading one chapter. On Fridays, I am posting my comments, then giving them the opportunity to add their thoughts as well. If you would like to join us or simply find out more about the book, you can read about it here.)


- I hope you fellows were able to make it through all that reading.  I'm sorry for assigning the entire Introduction for two weeks- that was almost too much material to cover!  :-)

- I was challenged by the thought that is it human, sinful nature that craves to be a "somebody" and that our world today only heightens that.  Everyone wants to be, become, or know about a somebody.  This has crept into our thinking and I see that I too want to be known.  I think we could all say that our flesh cries out to be the one who preaches to thousands, leads hundreds to the Lord, plants dozens of churches, etc.  While there is a bit of pure desire in those things, I see that my flesh wants the corresponding recognition as well.

- I appreciated his point that embracing obscurity is not "wiping ourselves from existence."  (Page 3)  Instead, it is working to make everything of our Lord and not working to make anything of us.

- I appreciated his honesty about the flesh's desire for "accidental" discoveries of who wrote the book.  It is such an accurate picture of our sinful nature!

I've had my say, what say you?

Discussion on Chapter 1


  1. The author had quite an introduction with very blunt statements. "We're drunk all right. We're intoxicated with a desire to be known, recognized, appreciated, and respected....To be something-anything-other than nothing." (location 78.... my Kindle Paper White does not have page numbers for everything). I would agree with the author that the longing to be recognized is very prominent. This can even be seen in the realm of ministry, too. I thought it was interesting that he even specifically named "missionaries" in the list.

    "It's about making Him, not ourselves, look good." (location 98). This statement brought my mind back to John the Baptist saying that Christ must increase but he must decrease.

    "The church (again, including me) has come so far in imitating the world's tenets of success that we can barely distinguish the two." (location 115). This was a very valid statement.

    After just reading the introduction, I am searching my own heart's motives to consider my own desires and if I might perhaps have hidden desires of recognition rather than pointing all praise to Christ. I'm very much looking forward to the future chapters.

  2. lost my kindle...will comment when found. :( boo
