Friday, June 10, 2016

A Praying Life: Chapters 27-28

(A few friends and I are reading this book together.  Each week we will read two chapters and on Friday I will post my comments from the reading.  Others may add their thoughts in the comments section.  If you are interested in reading this book as well, here is the link for the Kindle version of the book.)

Chapters 27-28

- I like his method of putting a Scripture verse on the card that matches his desire for that request.  (Pg. 225, Loc. 2849)  I want to incorporate that into my practice as well.
- In talking about a big request for Kim, he said, "I remember when I first wrote that, it felt strange, like I was opening a door that I didn't know existed."  (Pg. 229, Loc. 2890)  Through this I was challenged to ask God for big things- unimaginable things.
- I appreciated the detailed explanation of the prayer card system.  One aspect I like is the ability to easily reorganize the cards.  He said, "Some cards I pray through every day; others I rotate through, using one or two cards a day.  How many cards you use for a particular area depends on the shape of your life."  (Pg. 229, Loc. 2919)  The cards would help establish a regular pattern of prayer for a person/request, whether that be daily or every so many days, and it would take mental every day to stay organized.
- "I had assumed that his attitude toward me was like the blue sky, part of the backdrop of life that doesn't change.  I am constantly discovering areas of my life like this."  (Pg. 233, Loc. 2944)  Ouch.  There has to be areas in my life in which I assume things are unchangeable.  May the Lord point out those areas to me and help me see that he can change anything. 
- "My prayer for Bob had a familiar threefold pattern.  First, I wrote the prayer down.  Then I watched for God to work while I prayed.  Finally, God provided an opportunity where I 'worked' the prayer request.  By worked I mean that God involved me in my own prayers, often in a physical and humbling way."  (Pg. 236, Loc. 2958)  This was intriguing to me.  I want to pay attention and look for this pattern as well.

I've had my say, what say you?

1 comment:

  1. The prayer card system was clearly explained and appears to be a good tool for someone who is serious about praying and trying to get more organized in his prayer life. I have not decided yet if I will fully commit to this system or continue with what I have been doing (going through a list, but having different areas I hit every day); perhaps I will try a combination of different things. Holding a specific card for someone/something does seem to be more personal, and perhaps would help me focus more. Along with Jacob I like the idea of putting a Scripture verse on the card.

    Again, his chapter on “Prayer Work” reminded me that prayer is not a separate area in my life disconnected from everything else; if I'm not “working” my prayers, co-operating with God in whatever He wants me to do, then I may not see the request fulfilled. If I'm not willing to be the answer or part of the answer to my prayers, then they are probably not as real and sincere as they should be.
