Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hughes News #30

Dear Friends,

Often the assistance of hindsight allows us to better perceive God’s care for us.  Acquiring our residency permits this week has reminded us of His providence in our lives.

When we arrived here in August, we were not completely sure how we would apply for residency.  A couple of weeks after making our decision we began the lengthy process.  On the day our tourist visas were to expire, we received an eagerly awaited call from our lawyer.  That day we went to a government office where they took our pictures and finished the last few details.  Several days later, we picked up the anticipated permits!  Looking back, we see that we should have started the application process sooner than we did.  It is a comfort and a reassurance to know that our Savior is in charge of our lives.  He has worked things out and will continue to do so despite our ignorance and imperfections.

This past month we began attending a Moldovan church that is very near our apartment.  The services throughout the week will provide more occasions to immerse ourselves in the language.  Just as important, or maybe more so, are the believers with whom we will be able to fellowship and from whom we can learn much.

Prayer Requests:                                               
1. For us to make steady progress in Russian 
2. For a family to work with us here             
3. For opportunities to witness as we can     

1. We have our one year residency permits!
2. We found a Moldovan church to attend!
3. Шаг за шагом (step by step) progress!

In His service,
Jacob & Viola

“Tie your shoes and pray for the Hughes.”

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