Friday, November 8, 2013

Hughes News #49

"Tie your shoes and pray for the Hughes"

Dear Friends,                           
Our time in Chisinau has done much to prepare us for future ministry in Soroca.  That preparation continued throughout October with language lessons and opportunities to minister in the church.  I finished another block of Romanian classes.  Unfortunately, however, the last block will not be offered due to a lack of students.  Our choir traveled to minister in a village church for a Harvest Sunday, Viola continued to minister in music, and I preached last Sunday night.

After several dozen phone calls, our furlough calendar is set.  We look forward to visiting our supporting churches and explaining our plans for the future.  It will be a blessing to also be in a few new churches during our time in the States.  Other furlough preparations are coming along nicely.
Last week we spent a day in Soroca, this time to look at apartments.  With the information we have gathered, it is time to think, discuss, pray, and ask advice about our housing decision.  Finally, the pictures below are from Chisinau Day- possibly our favorite Moldovan holiday.


In His service,
Jacob and Viola Hughes

For Prayer:
1. Our last few weeks of language study
2. General preparations for our time in the States
3. God would answer a specific request regarding furlough
For Praise:
1. Furlough schedule finished!
2. More opportunities to minister with our church
3. A few contacts made in Soroca

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Embracing Obscurity- Chapter 4

(A few friends and I are reading this book together. Each week we are reading one chapter. On Fridays, I am posting my comments, then giving them the opportunity to add their thoughts as well. If you would like to join us or simply find out more about the book, you can read about it here.)

Chapter 4: Embracing Significance

- In this chapter the author show that embracing obscurity does not exclude us from having significance.  Instead, he points to the Scriptures to show where we can find true significance and not the pseudo-significance that the world often chases.

- The thought that "we are the object of His desire" (Page 57) is mind-boggling enough.  However, the thought that I am the object of His desire is even less understandable.  I can somewhat see why God would pursue mankind- His creation in general, but what a blessing that He pursues me individually!  What a great God we have!

- In the chapter, the author gives five principles that point us to true significance:
1. We have been created by God.
- "Only God has ultimate, eternal significance, and the only way we mortals get it is by joining our lives to His."  (Page 59)
2. At salvation, God gave the Holy Spirit to live within us.
3. Jesus Christ calls us His bride.
- We find significance through His love and through the relationship we have with Him.
4. God has adopted us made us His heirs. 
- Our inheritance includes resurrection from the dead, a new body, and an eternal home with our Savior.
- "You, who have absolutely no right to anything of God's, share in everything He is and owns."  (Page 63)
5. God has something for us to do.
- "The visibility of our part stops being such a big deal, as the reality of being on the cast at all sinks in." (Page 67)  I find it so easy to compare my "role" with those of others, and always find something in their role that I would wish for my role.  This pointed me to the fact that when I do that, I am showing my ungratefulness for God's grace in my life and my discontentment with what He has given me.

- The section about our value prompted some questions in my mind.  He made the case for us having inherent value by being in Christ, a value that is outside ourselves.  Is there a difference then between value and usefulness?  If the author is correct, then would we say that my life has value regardless of what I do, but I am more useful to God when I obey?  I am not sure if my questions arise from my own faulty mindset or my incorrectly processing the thoughts he presented.  Do you see what I'm getting at?  Anyone have thoughts on this?

- In the discussion questions, he asked which source of significance means the most to me personally.  I think the one that stood out to me the most was the first one- God created me.  More specifically, I appreciated the thought that only God has inherent eternal significance, but He gives that to us when we become His.  I am thankful for that encouragement.

- Once we understand the source of true significance, we each can more easily and more heartily embrace obscurity!

I've had my say, what say you?

Discussion on Chapter 3
Discussion on Chapter 5

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Embracing Obscurity- Chapter 3

(A few friends and I are reading this book together. Each week we are reading one chapter. On Fridays, I am posting my comments, then giving them the opportunity to add their thoughts as well. If you would like to join us or simply find out more about the book, you can read about it here.)

Chapter 3: Embracing the Humble King

- The theme of this chapter is the Lord Jesus Christ.  The author brings to the reader's attention Jesus' humility or His embrace of obscurity.  He then challenges us to follow that example.

- "What's also incredible to me, and sheds so much light into God's nature, is that He lets this all happen." (Page 39)  I had not thought about this before.  We should not let the incredible thought of God coming as man become normal or overlooked, yet we often do.  If God had our mindset, He would quickly rid Himself of us.  Instead, He allows all of this to continue.

- He said that if we could choose how the Messiah would come to earth, we would choose much differently than God did, and I agree.  Israelites were looking for a Messiah but did not accept Jesus because He didn't fit their preconceived notions.  We would tend towards the talented, charismatic, good-looking, etc.  He was God, yet that is not how he presented Himself.  His humility truly is a lesson for us.

- It is interesting to consider that only 10% of Jesus' life is revealed to us.

- We tend to hold Bible characters to a higher standard than we hold ourselves.  I am tempted to look at Joseph and Mary and disdain them for their seeming doubt over the truth of Jesus' identity.  However, I have Scripture and I let His identity become common and uninspiring in my own mind.  May God help us see the facts of our Savior as we should!

- I was challenged when the author stated that Jesus' obscurity glorified God as much as His ministry.  I want to be willing to be willing to glorify God in obscurity as well.

- I am currently reading chronologically through the Gospels and have come across passages that talk of the crowds that followed Jesus and the distant places from which they came.  Yet in spite of that, Jesus was not concerned about his reputation, especially with the religious leaders, He was concerning about the Father's will.  What a challenge to someone who often overvalues people's opinion and undervalues his Father's!

- I thought the contrast between Christ's disposition and Satan's (page 49) was quite good.

I've had my say, what say you?

Discussion on Chapter 2
Discussion on Chapter 4

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Hughes News #48

"Tie your shoes and pray for the Hughes"

Dear Friends,
The Lord gave us several opportunities in September.  One Sunday early in the month we traveled with a deacon and the church secretary to minister to two village churches.  Viola and Natasha sang and I preached.  I also led the service and the Lord’s Supper, both of which were new experiences for me in Russian.  Our hearts were touched by our brothers’ and sisters’ desire for God’s Word and for fellowship with other believers.
Leading the Lord's Supper with the first church.

Viola and Natasha singing a special with the second church.
Thank you for your prayers for the Bible studies I led through Titus.  Due to the amount of time it took me to prepare the material, I taught a total of five weeks.  The Lord challenged my heart and grew my understanding of and ability in Russian as a result of the preparation and delivery.
We have made a second trip to Soroca to look at houses.  Several we crossed off our list quickly but there is one that remains a good possibility.  We are planning at least one more trip before our furlough.  Also this month Viola started Romanian lessons with a tutor.  She is hoping the understanding she gains will give her a foundation for future study.  We want to finish out this term strongly, making the most of the time we have here.  We would appreciate your prayers regarding the various things we have to do.

Us with a Harvest Sunday display.
In His service,
Jacob and Viola Hughes
For Prayer:
1. Viola’s plunge into Romanian
2. Us to use our remaining time here wisely
3. God would provide a specific need for furlough

For Praise:
1. Pleasant day ministering to two village churches
2. Tuesday night Bible study lessons went well
3. God simply resolved two potentially difficult situations 



Saturday, September 28, 2013

Embracing Obscurity- Chapter 2

(A few friends and I are reading this book together. Each week we are reading one chapter. On Fridays, I am posting my comments, then giving them the opportunity to add their thoughts as well. If you would like to join us or simply find out more about the book, you can read about it here.)

Chapter 2: Embracing Definition 

- This chapter is a call to examine ourselves and see what we allow to define us.  In finding that, we find the source of our pride- which is clearly something that needs rooted out of our lives.

- "We know that others are judging us by our 'cover,' and we really, really want them to like what they see." (Page 20)  I don't think I have ever verbalized this to anyone else, but I know it is true for me.  If someone dislikes me, I want them to see that that reason is not valid- either they have misunderstood me, or they are simply wrong in their thoughts.  I could easily see that this is an area of pride in my life.

- He pointed out that the things that are our "subtitles" all point to a pursuit, regardless of whether or not there is an accomplishment.  This helped me to see that we often are proud about our direction, even if we haven't already reached an important destination.

- In the questions at the end of the chapter, he asked which of the people we were most like.  I think my personal "subtitle" is a hodge podge of different ones.  There were a few phrases in these character studies that I easily identified with:
    "Over time he has allowed success in his field to define his success as a person." (Page 23)
    "...she feels like she hasn't accomplished enough." (Page 25)
    "...making it big- by proving himself." (Page 25)
    "Being faced with the relative commonality of her skills..." (Page 25)
    "...wants others to be jealous of..." (Page 26)

- I did some thinking about my subtitle, but there were some questions I couldn't give a definite answer to.  I need more time to think and to ask God what things I am allowing/wanting to define me and what glory I want from them.

- I think that if I were to no longer have a "ministry" job and would be working a "secular" job, I would struggle with feeling like my identity had changed.  I think part of that is a respect for the God's calling, but I think part of that is a false way of measuring myself- by what position I am in.

- We believers often incorrectly define "success" for a person in ministry or for a ministry itself.  Then, we measure people, ourselves included, by that definition.  I want to be a man who knows what God has for him to do and who does it, seeing that as true success.  However, I know in my heart there are many things that fight against that.  I often want to define success by my ministry activities, my ministry abilities/results, number of churches planted (pursuit, not accomplishment), etc.  I need the Lord to help me turn my eyes off myself.

- He quoted Piper as saying, "I am not making peace, but war, with my own sins." (Page 33)  It is so easy to be in between those- we are not really making peace, but it is not a war in which we are fully engaged.   

I've had my say, what say you?

Discussion on Chapter 1
Discussion on Chapter 3

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Embracing Obscurity- Chapter 1

(A few friends and I are reading this book together. Each week we are reading one chapter. On Fridays, I am posting my comments, then giving them the opportunity to add their thoughts as well. If you would like to join us or simply find out more about the book, you can read about it here.)

Chapter 1: One in a Billion

- In this chapter, the author uses several tactics to point out how insignificant we are, despite our personal thoughts on the matter.  He points to the sheer number of humans on earth, the incredible detail and quantity of living organisms, the enormity of the expanse of the known creation, and the fact that most of us will live and die relatively unnoticed in the grand scheme of things.

- I can't specifically remember a time when a huge number of people just impressed on me my insignificance.  The closest thing I could come up with was at an international marketplace near Christmas a couple of years ago.  Several things added together to really make me feel disconnected from the event and from the other people there.  As a result, I felt very insignificant.  Do any of you have a "moment" as he referred to?

- Numbers can get so big that they lose their force.  In those instances, comparison can do much to give perspective.  His scaling down the numbers about the sun, the solar system, and the Milky Way made it much clearer for me: "If our solar system were represented on a twelve-inch ruler, our sun ... would be smaller than the period at the end of this sentence.  On this same scale, our galaxy, The Milky Way, would be larger than the Pacific Ocean." (Page 8)  Wow!  (By the way, any of you following the story of the Voyager 1 probe leaving the solar system after ... 36 years?  Think how long it'll take to get out of the Milky Way!)

- He said that many men and women of God "have come to think little of themselves in light of all that God is and does."  (Page 9)  In meditating on this, I noticed some flawed thinking in my own mind.  When I picture thinking little of myself, I imagine me actively putting down and/or devaluing myself.  However, after reading this quote, I think the emphasis is more on the fact that we are thinking so much of God and what He does, that there is little room for us to even think of ourselves.

- I will admit that my flesh wants more recognition.  I want people to see how good of a ________ I am.  I want people to see they were wrong in their opinions of me.  I want more people who look up to me, etc.  I was challenged by the thought that very few of us truly want less of these things, yet that should by my mindset.

- After pointing out that, in the big picture, we all live in obscurity already, he mentions that we each have the "choice of whether to embrace personal obscurity- an obscurity of heart as much as position."  (Page 11)  I don't know what he is going to say in the rest of the book, but for me, this is the key thought of the book.  Will my heart be content with being obscure, so that "Christ can be made more known?"  (Page 13)

- I like his discussion questions.  (Most books' discussion questions disappoint me.)  I thought #7 was good for me: "How would you describe the difference between an obscurity of position and an obscurity of heart?" (Page 14)  I would say that obscurity of position is something that we all have.  Obscurity of heart is a choice we make that is counter-intuitive, for it goes against our sinful nature.  We choose to direct our thoughts to our God's importance, rather than dwelling on our own. 

I've had my say, what say you?

Discussion on Introduction
Discussion on Chapter 2

Friday, September 13, 2013

Embracing Obscurity- Introduction

(A few friends and I are reading this book together. Each week we are reading one chapter. On Fridays, I am posting my comments, then giving them the opportunity to add their thoughts as well. If you would like to join us or simply find out more about the book, you can read about it here.)


- I hope you fellows were able to make it through all that reading.  I'm sorry for assigning the entire Introduction for two weeks- that was almost too much material to cover!  :-)

- I was challenged by the thought that is it human, sinful nature that craves to be a "somebody" and that our world today only heightens that.  Everyone wants to be, become, or know about a somebody.  This has crept into our thinking and I see that I too want to be known.  I think we could all say that our flesh cries out to be the one who preaches to thousands, leads hundreds to the Lord, plants dozens of churches, etc.  While there is a bit of pure desire in those things, I see that my flesh wants the corresponding recognition as well.

- I appreciated his point that embracing obscurity is not "wiping ourselves from existence."  (Page 3)  Instead, it is working to make everything of our Lord and not working to make anything of us.

- I appreciated his honesty about the flesh's desire for "accidental" discoveries of who wrote the book.  It is such an accurate picture of our sinful nature!

I've had my say, what say you?

Discussion on Chapter 1

Monday, September 2, 2013

Hughes News #47

"Tie your shoes and pray for the Hughes"

Dear Friends,        
As many of you already know by now, we are making plans for our first furlough.  Lord-willing, we will be in the States from the middle of December to the middle of June.  The Lord has allowed us to already schedule meetings with all but two of our supporting churches and a few new churches.  We look forward to the time with those churches, and with family and friends.
In addition to our language training, another goal we have before furlough is getting a feel for the housing situation in Soroca.  Our thinking is that if we learn now what is for sale and for rent, it will be a big help to us when we return.  We have already taken one house hunting trip and hope to do a couple more before we need to leave.
One of the houses we viewed in Soroca
The pastors at the church we are attending have given me some upcoming opportunities to minister.  The next two or three Tuesdays, I will be teaching a Bible study through Titus.  This Sunday we will be going to a village where we both will be able to minister in music, and I will be able to preach.  While I look forward to these, it is still much different from simply preparing a lesson or message in English.  I would appreciate your prayers that the Lord would help me to grow in my ability, and that despite my inabilities He would speak to people’s hearts.
In His service,
Jacob and Viola Hughes
For Prayer:
1. Teaching/preaching appointments the next few weeks
2. Housing search in Soroca
3. Further preparations for our upcoming furlough                     
For Praise:
1. A couple weeks off lessons in August
2. Tickets back to the States with a good schedule and price
3. Many meetings scheduled/plans made for furlough

Friday, August 2, 2013

Hughes News #46

"Tie your shoes and pray for the Hughes"

Dear Friends,  

For two weeks in June we hosted a schoolteacher as she conducted a survey trip before joining a medical group with which she ministered in northern Moldova.  It was enjoyable sharing our knowledge of Moldova with her.  Among other things, we were able to take a day trip to Soroca with the Grosses. 
Us with Sarah
One Tuesday night in June, I taught the Russian Bible study at the church.  The hour and a half class was the biggest speaking challenge I have had to this point.  I taught on the book of Philemon and overall I am pleased with how it went well.  I got distracted by the class interaction and I learned that I cannot speak and write in Russian at the same time, but these discoveries will help with lesson preparation in the future.
With the Grosses leaving for furlough next week, our team will be apart for nearly a year.  While there will always be more plans to be made, we are pleased with what is already in place.  We have a doctrinal statement, conflict-resolution plan, and ministry goals for our team.  Ministry philosophy has been discussed and specific requests have been brought before our Father.  As we continue to prepare, we eagerly look forward to what God will do in Soroca!
Soroca- Our future home!

In His service,
Jacob and Viola Hughes

For Prayer:
1. Decisions regarding finishing out our first term
2. Plans for a furlough beginning the end of the year
3. God to prepare hearts in Soroca

For Praise:
1. Profitable time with Sarah, our visitor
2. The chance to teach and the accompanying lessons learned
3. Absolutely beautiful summer weather

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Margin- Conclusion

A few friends and I are reading this book together. Each week we are reading one chapter. On Fridays, I am posting my comments, then giving them the opportunity to add their thoughts as well. If you would like to join us or simply find out more about the book, you can read about it here.)


- I have looked back through notes on the book, and here are the biggest things that stood out to me:

1. The simple need for margin
- I now see how margin can help in many areas and how it gives us the freedom to meet the unexpected challenges of life because we aren't living on the edge of our emotional, physical, financial or time resources.

2. The realization of the need for emotional strength
- This is the hardest for me to quantify, but I do see how lack of emotional strength affects me in all of my life.

3. The importance of relationships
- Solid relationships nurture lives.  For that to happen, I must make relationships a priority.

4. The true picture of priorities
- We can't just list our priorities, because that doesn't give us an accurate perspective.  A better way to picture it is the wheel.  God is always the center and our other priorities each touch Him.

5. The difference between leisure and rest
- Americans are good at having time for leisure, but we aren't so accomplished on truly resting.  I want to learn to have rest in my life.

I've had my say, what say you?

Discussion on Chapter 15

Margin- Chapter 15

A few friends and I are reading this book together. Each week we are reading one chapter. On Fridays, I am posting my comments, then giving them the opportunity to add their thoughts as well. If you would like to join us or simply find out more about the book, you can read about it here.)

Chapter 15: "Pain, Margin, Health, and Relationship"

- Here we are finally- the last chapter!!

- In dealing with what we are to do with pain, he said something that I think is worth quoting: "Anything that redirects us to Him is of benefit."  (Page 205) Often it is so easy to look at the negatives that have come from the situation, but if that is all we do, we are in trouble.  If nothing else, we can allow something to affect us, so that we recalibrate our focus, so that it is directed towards the Lord.

- He talked about the need to just focus on today for the short term.  There are several good ideas in the book that I'd like to work on implementing.  It is unreasonable to set out this long plan as to how I can accomplish them.  Most of them are simple things that I should seek to do today.  Then, when tomorrow becomes today, I'll do it again.  We can only control what we are doing in the moment, so let's not get caught looking ahead so much that we fail to affect now.

- While in general I disagree with the thought that we need to make sure to "love ourselves" it did get me thinking: just as I would make effort and sacrifice to love others, can I not make choices and work towards things that would be good for me?  Example: can I not choose to go to the gym and exercise my body, instead of staying in bed?  Isn't that good for me?  Could we call that action then: "loving" me?  This was my train on thought on that section.

- As I read his explanation as to why he helped Eileen (lady with fluid on her lungs), I thought of transforming his paragraph for us preachers.  I think it fits: "We do not study the word of God because we are professional researchers who enjoy study for study's sake.  We do not preach because we love the thrill of speaking to a crowd of people.  We do not visit people and seek to minister to them because we are wanting to build a reputation for ourselves.  Instead, we care for people because we are allowing God's ache to enter our hearts."

- Along with the above thought, I liked this: "My reaching is what I call love."  (Page 212)

- That's all!  I plan to have one more post, as you can see below.  I am going to look over my notes on the book, and pick out the 5 things that helped me the most.  If you have time, I'd love to hear your biggest takeaways from the book, whether it be one or several.

I've had my say, what say you?

Discussion on Chapter 14
Discussion on Conclusion

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Margin- Chapter 14

A few friends and I are reading this book together. Each week we are reading one chapter. On Fridays, I am posting my comments, then giving them the opportunity to add their thoughts as well. If you would like to join us or simply find out more about the book, you can read about it here.)

Chapter 14: "Heath Through Rest"

- An earlier chapter discussed the need for margin in our physical strength.  The present chapter focuses on the need for physical, emotional and spiritual rest.

- "We have leisure but little rest."  (Page 194)  He is right.  Most of our "leisure" is so distracted that it is not truly refreshing.  We have so many things that can entertain us that we gravitate towards them.  Unfortunately the rest that they present is lacking.  "People in the Western world have leisure.  We do not need to slave every minute in order to eat.  But only a few appear to have rest." (Page 197)

- "There is no glory in rest."  (Page 195)  When have you heard a preacher praised because he disciplined himself to have periods of rest in his life?  I think rest can be like taking the time to sharpen the ax instead of continuing to chop when the blade is getting dull.

- In resting our emotions, he challenges us to seek out quiet.  I see in my own life where my emotions are worn and I need recharged.  Yet, other than this seeking out quiet, I feel lost as to the practical ideas of how to rest emotionally.  With physical rest, it is much easier for me to see what to do to repair my worn down body.  Do any of you have any insight into resting emotionally?

- Familial relationships are fractured at best in America.  I think it will be a challenge for us all of our lives to not let cultural norms shape our expectations of how familial relationships should be.  It seems that deep relationships can be a balm for emotional healing, but if we are not working at those relationships, there will be no help for the ailment.

- Do any of you try to incorporate a type of "Sabbath?"  If so, what do you do?  For awhile, Viola and I have been trying to make it a habit to do no extra work on Sundays.  Yes, she cooks, and I may do a few odds and ends, but we don't allow ourselves to do homework, extra language study, etc.  It is a little thing, but it is helping us shape a time of relaxation and an atmosphere for potential spiritual rest.

I've had my say, what say you?

Discussion on Chapter 13
Discussion on Chapter 15

Friday, June 28, 2013

Margin- Chapter 13

A few friends and I are reading this book together. Each week we are reading one chapter. On Fridays, I am posting my comments, then giving them the opportunity to add their thoughts as well. If you would like to join us or simply find out more about the book, you can read about it here.)

Chapter 13: "Health Through Balance"

- He brought out a good point that excellence is often only seen in one area.  Recent examples: Tiger Woods- outstanding career as golfer, horrible failure in family; Aaron Hernandez- successfully football career so far, charged with murder; Jack Schaap- much influence in ministry, committed criminal adultery.  We may achieve the "success" we wanted in an area, but realize at that moment that we also achieved an alarming failure in other areas.

- We, as preachers are susceptible to this temptation of imbalance because we have a desire to be used by God and to see Him work through us.  It is easy to want to be a successful preacher and focus on that to the exclusion of other responsibilities.

- His explanation of priorities was helpful for me.  He said that when we talk about time, we do need to list things at times.  However, in general, he said we need to look at priorities as a wheel: God is the center and the other things in life are the spokes.  If we just look at a list, we would always choose spouse over work.  If we always choose that, we will be looking for another job (or our spouse may want to!).  However, with the "wheel" concept in mind we will realize that 1) everything is anchored in God, and 2) each area will have its time when it is chosen over other areas.

- "Balance cannot be achieved unless we are willing to say No."  (Page 189)  BOOM!!  Who else is in the process of learning so say this little word?

- When trying to balance things, we cannot simply say, "I'm going to start doing this, this and this, and then I'll be balanced."  Right now, our time is already being used.  In order to add things, we most likely will need to take away things first.  That is the hardest part, in my opinion, because we see the importance of everything we do.  However, we may need to set aside some "little rocks" to get the "big rocks" in.

I've had my say, what say you?

Discussion on Chapter 12
Discussion on Chapter 14

Monday, June 3, 2013

Margin- Chapter 12

A few friends and I are reading this book together. Each week we are reading one chapter. On Fridays, I am posting my comments, then giving them the opportunity to add their thoughts as well. If you would like to join us or simply find out more about the book, you can read about it here.)

Chapter 12: "Health Through Simplicity"

- Along with contentedness, I think this is another very appropriate topic.  I can readily see how simplicity aids in financial, physical, and time margin, but still don't see a clear connection with emotional margin.  Maybe some more thinking will bring the answer.

- The fact that Jesus "was born with nothing, lived with little, and died with nothing" (page 171) reminds me that material resources are not the gauge for how much a person can affect those around him.

- I appreciate his emphasis on inward simplicity before we try to put into practice outward.  If our heart is not content with a simple lifestyle, I think it would just be a drudgery, and more of a frustration than a blessing.

- What simplicity is: voluntary, free, uncluttered, natural, creative, authentic, focused, margined, disciplined, diligent and healthful. Some thoughts about these:
* I needed to be reminded that it is voluntary.  My willingness to live such must be anchored, or others' lives/opinions will drag me away from simplicity. 
* When we prepared to move to Moldova, we got rid of much, let quite a bit behind, and only brought a few things ... and yet we still look at things and wonder why we brought them!  Being uncluttered is living simply, yet we can "unclutter" and still be rather ... cluttered!  
* "Passive entertainment can dull the sense of wonder God has placed within us." (Page 172) Without all the extraneous things, it is easier (more necessary?) to be creative.

- What simplicity isn't: easy, legalistic, proud, impoverished, ascetic, neurotic, ignorant or escapist.
* The most needed reminder for me was that simplicity isn't proud.  With anything we do, it is so easy to think highly of ourselves because of the "good" we do.  I know a temptation for me is to look down on others for the areas in which I am living simply, but they are not.  May God help me to get this pride out of my life!
* Appreciated this: "God is a good Creator, and He has created a whole world full of good things.  It is not wrong to use them- they were made to be used.  But our material appetites must be controlled." (Page 175)

- "Gratification of our appetites has become a widespread goal not seriously challenged by the Church."  (Page 176) Ouch!!

- I think simplicity is another quality that each of us have implemented to some extent in our lives, albeit in different ways.  However, I think this chapter was a good reminder/encouragement for us.

I've had my say, what say you?

Discussion on Chapter 11
Discussion on Chapter 13

Friday, May 31, 2013

Margin- Chapter 11

A few friends and I are reading this book together. Each week we are reading one chapter. On Fridays, I am posting my comments, then giving them the opportunity to add their thoughts as well. If you would like to join us or simply find out more about the book, you can read about it here.)

Chapter 11: "Health Through Contentment"

- It was not until this chapter (56% of the way through) that I realized that this book is about building a "new, integrated health paradigm."  (Page 151)  Interesting that he tells us now.  I found it a little odd, but overall, I thought the chapter was quite good! 

- After talking about the margin we need in our lives, he takes four chapters to discuss different qualities we need in our lives to protect and prolong that margin.  The first he discusses is contentment.

- I appreciate his section on "What Contentment is Not."  In my opinion, the way contentment is sometimes presented in messages gives the hearers the idea that we have to deny the existence of difficulties in our lives.  Instead, the author shows that it is the peace despite those present difficulties.

- He said that we need "to fix our contentment on godliness rather than relativism."  (Page 159)  Earlier he pointed out that discontent will always have us looking to what we don't have, and we will always lacking something that would be nice to have.  If our contentment is based on factors around it, we will never be content (and, even if we could, I say it would be a pseudo-contentment).  Thus, our focus must be on godliness- a factor that is stable.

- I hadn't thought of it this way: "If we actually needed the thing, advertisers would not have to convince us of it."  (Page 160)  True.

- Another quote I liked: "God is what we need; things are what we use."  (Page 164)

- Of his suggestions to combat discontentment, I think the one I need to remember the most is to divorce my thinking from societies standards.  We all unconsciously adopt the world's thinking in many areas of life, and we must purposefully correct that through the truth of God's Word.  Another suggestion that I need to work at is developing the "counter-habits" that encourage contentment.

- He asked, "Do you see how a life of contentment both enables and supports margin?"  (Page 161) After thinking through this chapter, I certainly do.  Of all the things he could have talked about, I think this was very needed and quite helpful.  The chapter helped me recalibrate my content-o-meter.

- This will divert slightly from the contents of the chapter, but if you guys have thoughts, I would like to hear them.  How do you evaluate if your desire for a good thing is within the realm of contentment or discontentment?  Said otherwise, how do you know when a valid desire for a good thing has crossed the line and has become discontentment?

I've had my say, what say you?

Discussion on Chapter 10
Discussion on Chapter 12

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hughes News #45

"Tie your shoes and pray for the Hughes"

Dear Friends,
While learning grammar and memorizing new words are both still needful, we are at a point in our language training in which extended conversations and ministering are more beneficial than anything else.  The Lord has been providing such opportunities for us.  Several times recently believers have conversed with us in Russian for a few hours.  Viola has been asked to participate more in the music ministry of the church.  I preached again a few weeks back, and found I am growing more comfortable expressing God’s Word.  In the upcoming month, I will, Lord-willing, be preaching once and teaching twice.  If you would, please pray specifically for my lesson on Tuesday, June 18th.  The Bible study usually lasts an hour and a half, which will amount to quite a bit of preparation for me.
We rejoice that our coworkers were able to finalize the purchase of a house in Soroca!  When a problem materialized, it initially seemed that the deal would not be completed.  Praise the Lord- He allowed the Grosses to find a solution to the problem!  While the house is purchased, it still requires much work to finish it. 
The first part of June, a young lady will be staying with us.  She believes that the Lord is calling her to Moldova, and we have the privilege of helping her conduct a survey trip.  It is our prayer that her time will be beneficial and that she will discern God’s will.  With her, we plan to visit Soroca for a day.  It will be Viola’s first time there and it will give a little more familiarity with the city.   
In His service,
Jacob and Viola Hughes
For Prayer:
1. A profitable trip for our visitor
2. Jacob’s Bible study lesson on June 18th
3. Continued plans for the church plant in Soroca
For Praise:
1. Grosses’ purchase of a house in Soroca
2. Growing confidence in speaking and preaching in Russian
3. Viola’s participation in the church’s music ministry

Friday, May 24, 2013

Margin- Chapter 10

A few friends and I are reading this book together. Each week we are reading one chapter. On Fridays, I am posting my comments, then giving them the opportunity to add their thoughts as well. If you would like to join us or simply find out more about the book, you can read about it here.)

Chapter 10: "Margin in Finances"

- Of these last four chapters, I would say this is the one most of us probably have the best hold on, because none of us have tons of money, and we all have already had to be careful with our money.  Maybe we don't have a lot of margin or wiggle room, but we do handle it well. 

- I think it is so telling of human sinful nature that in America, where we enjoy some of the greatest affluence and comfort in the history of the world, we have a whole range of serious financial problems.

- "Student borrowing has skyrocketed." (Page 133)  Some of you know that I enjoy listening to Dave Ramsey.  He says that our parents' generation got into debt because of mortgages and credit cards.  He also says that the biggest current problem is student loan debt.

- He gave a warning against credit cards, and I believe rightfully so.  However, I realize that there is a very small percentage of people who use them to their advantage and who do not abuse them (pay off every month, use rewards, etc.)  However, I would venture that the percentage of people who do that is less than 5%.  I have no problem with someone using a credit card that way, but I think they need to have the conviction that they will cut it up before they would abuse it.  An open line of credit is an ever-present "temptation" when financial difficulties come.  I am curious as to your thoughts on credit cards.

- I felt like he didn't give a clear answer on some of the questions about financial margin.  In one place, he would say one thing, but something else in another.  This is what I mean:
"When we encounter money along the path of life, we are encouraged to do one of three things with it: turn and walk in the other direction; pick it up and give it away; or use it for the necessities of daily living." (Page 136)
"If, for example, you currently have no savings and pay expenses from a checking account that is monthly drained dry, what happens if there are emergency medical expenses?  You would need to take out a loan and enter into debt.  But if you sustained a savings, you would have margin against such emergencies" (Page 144) If I am to do the three things above, how can I ever have any kind of savings?  Savings is not part of necessities of daily living.
"Some advisors recommend setting aside a contingency fund equal to three to six months of your usual spending for unexpected emergencies.  I personally do not follow this rule, preferring to live closer to the edge of faith."  (Page 144)  So, what does he recommend?  Is not having margin living even closer to faith?  Is he saying he has more faith than a person who has three to six months of expenses?  He said savings is good but hoarding is not- how do we know where one ends and the other begins?
I'm fine with him believing whatever he wants to believe.  I just think if a person is going to write a book on margin, he should clearly lay out his thoughts, and I feel like he has not done so in this chapter.  I think preachers often do the same thing- they make definitive statements about money that if you take to their logical end, we should sell everything extraneous that is not necessary for living, and always spend all our money by the end of the day.  It is easier to say these type of things than to wrestle with the tough questions.  Am I the only one who felt this way?

- He said that he was unwilling to be wealthy and quoted the apostle Paul where he said, "They that will be rich fall into temptation."  He equated being willing to be wealthy to being in temptation, but it seems to me that Paul was talking about those who desired to be rich.  I believe a person can become wealthy, even if his focus is not on wealth.

- He said our list of "needs" is greater today than in 1900, which was greater than in the time of Christ.  However, couldn't we add, that the list then might have been greater than in the days of David, or Moses, or Adam?  My point is that the culture around Jesus doesn't define our needs. 

- We all need to seek God's wisdom as we make decisions about how to use the money He has provided.  Even if we all are doing that, we will still need understanding with one another because we all will spend money differently on discretionary items- things above our basic needs.  I must be willing to respect your families' right to decide on some things, and you should be willing to give us that liberty as well.  Too often, we think we are doing everything perfectly, and anyone who spends money on something we wouldn't is in sin.

- I thought this quote was very good- "The cultivation and expansion of needs is ... the antithesis of freedom."  (Page 141)  Remind you of anywhere?

I've had my say, what say you?

Discussion on Chapter 9
Discussion on Chapter 11

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Margin- Chapter 9

A few friends and I are reading this book together. Each week we are reading one chapter. On Fridays, I am posting my comments, then giving them the opportunity to add their thoughts as well. If you would like to join us or simply find out more about the book, you can read about it here.)

Chapter 9: "Margin in Time"

- I don't feel this chapter was stuffed with profound, new truths.  I felt like much of it was just a good reminder.  However, by reading it and writing this post ahead of time (due to having a measure of time margin!) I feel I was able to think a little more and get a little deeper than just the surface.  As always- I look forward to reading your takeaways!

- I appreciated his thoughts on the importance of discretionary time.  I think we often see it as not important, or at least, less important than working time.  We would not dispute quiet time with God, but I think we often look negatively at other types of discretionary time.  Maybe it is because so many misuse discretionary time, and we don't want to be like them.

- I liked: "Where are the noises that tell us to slow down?" (Page 112)

- It is interesting to try imagine yourself without the constraints/demands of minutes and hours- where time is looked at in terms of days (or possibly sections divided by mealtimes!)  As I think about it, I think my Dad's routine may not be too far off that.  He has a few things he does at certain times, but he approaches his day with what he needs to get done, then he works on it.

- I think the clock and the light can be helpers, but I do see that I let them negatively affect me.  The light is probably the worst.  I stay up later at night than I should and as a consequence, I lose both physcial (via rest) and time margin.

- What decides what is a full week of work for us?  This question came to mind when reading about the American workweek.  Americans typically consider 40 hours a full week.  Have we adopted that without thinking it through?  Do we let that be our standard because of what men may think?  It seems I remember preachers being challenged to work at least 40 hours, if not more, so that the men he ministers to will not see him as lazy.  My argument is not for or against 40 hours being our standard.  It just hit me that I have adopted that in my mind as the pattern without thinking things through.  Maybe there could be a preacher who works only 30 hours, but then has more time to simply spend with God.

- "If we sit back and do nothing about it, next year at this time we'll have less time margin than we have right now."  (Page 116)  Time margin will not happen without purposeful decisions.

- He mentioned about multi-tasking invading our leisure time.  I have found the tendency for this myself.  Best example: trying to email while watching a ballgame.  Usually, I get more focused on the work and don't enjoy the leisure time.  In short, I lose enjoyment when I multitask.

- In talking about productivity in the workplace, he seemed to somewhat minimize the laziness of the workers.  I think there is more to it than he gave credit for.  My experience in the secular workplace has not been that people are diligent workers for the time they are supposed to be there.  Usually, they were trying to get the minimum done without getting in trouble. 

- I learned that "Everything takes longer than it does" (page 121) shortly after we were married and I was responsible to fix things around the house.

- He suggested turning off the tv.  I doubt that is the biggest time waster among us.  So what is it?  For me, it would probably be checking email or looking up something on the internet.  Any confessions?

- I like the idea of disconnecting from all electronic devices (except maybe the Kindle) sometime when we take a couple of days off.  Any of you done that?

- He talked about having long-term vision.  I think if we have this, it will greatly aid something else he talked about: saying "No."  With a plan it is easier to see if an activity fits within that plan or if it will distract from them.

- I agree that busyness robs the pleasure of anticipation. 

- His "prescriptions" were all good reminders, but I think the most practical for me is to create the buffer zones.  I don't want to "waste" time being somewhere too early, so I keep working until ... I'm nearly running late.  (Viola's the same.  In this area, we are not good for each other!)  That buffer will add quality to the activities before and after the buffer.

- Next chapter will be good for one of the fellows.  (He's about to fork out a bunch of money and lose some of his financial margin!)

I've had my say, what say you?

Discussion on Chapter 8
Discussion on Chapter 10