Saturday, January 17, 2015

Embracing Obscurity- Chapter 6

(A few friends and I began reading this book together. After dropping it for over a year, I am endeavoring to finish it.  After reading a chapter, I am posting my comments, then giving my friends the opportunity to add their thoughts as well. If you would like to join us or simply find out more about the book, you can read about it here.)

Chapter 6: Embracing Servanthood
- “It is one thing to follow God’s way of service if you are regarded as a hero, but quite another thing if the road marked out for you by God requires becoming a doormat under other people’s feet.”  (Page 91- Quoting Oswald Chambers)  This quote from the beginning of the chapter points out the biggest lesson I saw for myself.
- “None of the Twelve perhaps minded not being the absolute greatest, as long as he wasn’t considered the least.” (Page 93)  I had never considered the passage from this angle, but I was challenged by the thought.  Most Christians would know enough to say that he need not be the greatest, yet most of us would balk at being the least.
- He makes a great (and difficult to hear) point when explaining that the big areas of service in our lives are often highly regarded by others.  Those areas of service can be easier than the multitude of little decisions selfless service would call us to.
- I liked the illustration of the soaker hose.  As it in no way controlled the water running through it, so we must remove any controls we have placed on God’s ministering through us.
- He notes that the opportunity for a higher position or more authority does not necessitate that we should choose that option.
I've had my say, what say you?

Discussion on Chapter 5
Discussion on Chapter 7

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